2023 – Guadalajara, Mexiko
The Kenevo microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee compared with non–microprocessor-controlled knees in individuals older than 65 years in Sweden: A cost-effectiveness and budget-impact analysis
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Alexander Kuhlmann, Kerstin Hagberg, Ilka Kamrad, Nerrolyn Ramstrand, Susanne Seidinger och Hans Berg (bild från ceremonin)
2021 – Virtuell konferens
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Douglas John Matthews, Mateen Arastu, Maggie Uden, John Paul Sullivan, Kristina Bolsakova, Kingsley Robinson, Sellaiah Sooriakumaran och David Ward från Storbritannien
2019 – Kobe, Japan
Long-term results of early myoelectric prosthesis fittings: A prospective case-control study
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Lis Sjöberg, Helen Lindner, Liselotte Hermansson från Sverige
2017 – Kapstaden, Sydafrika
A systematic review of questionnaires to assess patient satisfaction with limb orthoses
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Elisa Bettoni, Giorgio Ferriero, Hadeel Bakhsh, Elisabetta Bravini, Giuseppe Massazza, Franco Franchignoni från Italien (bilder från ceremonin)
2015 – Lyon, Frankrike
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A new approach for the pistoning measurement in transtibial prosthesis.
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Upper limb prosthesis use and abandonment: a survey of the last 25 years.
Elaine A. Biddiss & Tom T. Chau (bilder från ceremonin)
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The use of targeted muscle reenervation for myoelectric prostheses.
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Evaluation of a screening and prevention programme for diabetic foot complications.
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Morphological changes during early transtibial prosthetic fitting.
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The CAT-CAM socket and quadrilateral socket: a comparison of energy cost during ambulation.
R.S Gailey, D. Lawrence, C. Burditt, P.Apyropoulos, C.Newell och M.S Nash från USA
1992 – Chicago, USA
Stiffness and hysteries properties of some prosthetic feet.
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1989 – Kobe, Japan
Dr Saeed Zahedi vid Chas. A. Blatchford & Sons Ltd, från Hampshire England